News & Updates
EPSS Community Spirit, Komatsu D375 Undercarriage & More!
Hello and Welcome to your first edition of our EPSS eNews for 2025.
We're very proud to have launched our community support initiative, EPSS Community Spirit'. Through this brand new program we aim to provide donations, sponsorship and other support to various community, sporting and not for profit organisations as we do our part to make a difference for those in need. We kicked off by growing some impressive Mo's and walking to raise money for Movember, and made a donation to the Smith Family Christmas appeal to provide school book packs for underprivileged children. These efforts will continue to grow over the course of 2025 and we're excited to keep you updated as we progress. Stay tuned!
D10T Undercarriage, 336DL Wrecking, Components & More
Hello once again and Welcome to our latest instalment of EPSS eNews.
Since we last filled you in on our WA900-3 machines for dismantling we have begun the process of parting out our CAT 336DL Excavator. We are working on getting the major components overhauled and added to our EPSS Components range, and you can see many other major items listed below that are still available for sale. Be sure to click on the link below should you have any requirements we can assist with.
Capricorn Rewards Offer, WA900 Wrecking & New Stock!
Hello and Welcome to the latest edition of our EPSS eNews! With End of Financial Year fast approaching things are as busy as ever at EPSS HQ. We are working on many new opportunities to grow our business some of which we're excited to share with you in the coming months!
CAT C9, Grader Moldboards & More
Hello and Welcome to Issue 28 of your EPSS eNews. This is the second to last edition of our eNews for 2023 as we head full throttle into the Christmas period and close out a huge year!