D10T Undercarriage, 336DL Wrecking, Components & More
Hello once again and Welcome to our latest instalment of EPSS eNews.
Since we last filled you in on our WA900-3 machines for dismantling we have begun the process of parting out our CAT 336DL Excavator. We are working on getting the major components overhauled and added to our EPSS Components range, and you can see many other major items listed below that are still available for sale. Be sure to click on the link below should you have any requirements we can assist with.
Whilst we continue to work through many of the 336DL components we have also recently added other major items to our component scope. Hydraulic cylinders in particular have been coming through the system regularly and you can see some of these outlined below including 769D & 773D/F Front Suspension Struts among others. The EPSS Component segment of our business is rapidly expanding month on month and your inquiries are always welcome.
A new major addition to our EPSS Undercarriage scope this month has been our D10T Track Groups. Featuring New, Genuine CAT chains these track groups are priced to sell and will move quickly. We have these showcased below for you as well as several other D10T undercarriage components to consider. Call or click the link to find out more.
Our Warehouse Team have been busy putting away more stock shipments which continue to arrive weekly. This will continue through to the end of the year and into 2025 as we add new lines and increase our inventory holding to support of our amazing customers! Keep an eye on our website for new additions, a selection of which are featured below.
With dealer pricing still at an all time high, demand for our Genuine Surplus range continues to increase. We have added more than 500 New lines of surplus product to our inventory with more due to arrive soon. There are significant savings of up to 50% on your local dealer price on these items so it pays to send your inquiries through to see where we can assist.
We have some major news coming in the next edition of our eNews which we are excited to share with you all. In the meantime, we will continue to keep you updated through our website as well as our new Featured Products mailout and our social channels. Stay in touch, and let us find a solution for you, it's what we do!
- The EPSS Team
CAT 336DL Excavator
Serial No: WRK00210
Approximately 9.000Hrs
Our 336DL Excavator is currently being dismantled.
Available Used Take-Off Components include:
2959674 - Main Hydraulic Pump
3332958 - Drive Gp, Swing
2 x 2966217 - Drive Gp, Final w/Motor
2368335 - Frame Gp, Undercarriabe (Base)
2276145 - Gear & Bearing Gp, Swing
2 x 3119524 - Cylinder Gp, Boom (LH)
2836194 - Cylinder Gp, Stick
2 x 2410985 - Track Group
2 x 2394320 - Ilder Gp w/Track Adjuster & Recoil
18 x 1791486 - Roller Gp, Load
4 x 3004545 - Roller Gp, Carrier
3406602 - Cab Gp
2368396 - Stick Gp
2391611 - Tank & Filter Gp, Hydraulic
3296514 - Counterweight Gp
Available Reconditioned Exchange Components Include: